Commercial vs. Functional vs. Emotional: A Case Study on Page Title SEO Testing

Martin Meany on did a subject line test comparing commercial, functional, and emotional subject lines. The commercial version focused on appealing to the financial aspects of the purchase decision. The functional version stuck to the facts, and just described what you would find when you clicked-through. And the emotional took a “softer and fluffier” approach.

Interestingly, in the test, he found the biggest improvement vs. the control when he used the functional copy, with very little improvement from the commercial copy and a negative impact from the emotional messaging.

Martin’s takeaway was that, more than anything, you need to make sure you test everything!

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About Carousel Insights

Carousel Insights is a marketing/research consulting practice focused entirely on retention marketing for out-of-home, location-based entertainment. All we do is help out-of-home experiences (both entertaining and educational) grow attendance, revenue, and customer lifetime value through insights, CRM/personalization, and revenue management.